“Each molecule between places may be full of gaps, discontinuities allowing us to slip through landscape more easily.”
—Mei-mei Berssenbrugge
Are you mixed race, parenting someone who is mixed race, or in a mixed-race relationship? Join other Rubies and friends of the Ruby in making space for the mixed-race experience. What does it mean to live at the intersection of identities, cultures, races, nations--or parent someone who does? How does this color the way you think about yourself and experience the world, the way you approach public spaces and human interaction, the way others see you and your loved ones?
Multiple racial categories were included in the 2000 census measures; the mixed experience is very much an American experience. What are the benefits of liminality, of not fitting neatly into traditional frameworks? How can we embrace multiplicity and diversity within ourselves and our intimate relationships? How can we leverage fluidity and flexibility as a social advantage in our increasingly inter-connected and fast-changing world?
And, in an era of increased polarization around race, how can we protect ourselves and our offspring from intrusive curiosity, prejudice, and hostility (sometimes from within our own family or ethnic and racial group)? What are you? How did you meet him? Are those your children?What is the collective impact of these individual incidents, how do they impact identity formation in young people, and how are they experienced differently by women?