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[Virtual] Bullet Journaling for Beginners

[This is a Virtual Ruby event. Zoom link to be emailed.]

Starting out the new year with ambitions to keep a planner but don’t know where to start or which one to buy? Join Anisse Gross and Susan Ito for this virtual beginner’s workshop on the bullet journal, an analog handwritten system created by Ryder Carroll, which allows you to create a custom journal that works for you. Want to just keep a diary and a food log? Great! Want a habit tracker and a budget? Great! This customizable form of keeping your life in order is a life changer.

During this class you will be introduced to the basic concept of creating and keeping your own bullet journal (or bujo as the converts call it). Class materials fee will include a new journal (color choice will be communicated with the teacher), pens, washi tape, stickers, and other forms of decorating.

The class will cover bullet journaling basics, tools, how to customize the journal for your personal, professional, and creative life, and will also discuss real life examples of different journals.

PLEASE NOTE: Come join us virtually with a journal of your choice, pen, and ruler (clear works best). Any journal will do but if you're looking for a suggestion, many really enjoy using Leuchtturm journals. Additionally washi tape, stickers, multi-colored pens, and other art supplies are optional, fun add-ons to the experience!

About the teachers, Anisse Gross & Susan Ito

Ruby member Anisse Gross is a San Francisco–based writer and editor who would be lost without her bullet journal. She began bullet journaling several years ago when nothing else worked and is passionate about spreading the word of productivity structures that are customized to suit each individual's unique needs.

Susan Ito has been keeping a bullet journal since August 26, 2016, and it has transformed her life. She writes and teaches at Mills College and the SF Writers’ Grotto.