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[Virtual Ruby] A Ruby's Guide to Newsletters - When and How To Use Email for Your Project or Business

[This is a Virtual Ruby* event, taking place over Zoom. Join us: Password will be sent with registration. Nonmembers are welcome to join; please donate if you are able!]

Thought about starting a newsletter? Have an independent business or a book launch that needs a way to consistently talk to fans and readers? Have a newsletter that started with great excitement but petered out?

Learn when your project or work could benefit from an email newsletter (and honestly when it might not be worth the effort), how to send emails that people actually want to open, how to collect emails in non-scammy ways and the programs available to send emails. We'll go over the basics and then walk through two or three live case studies from other Ruby members with newsletters. (We hope to collect a list of Rubies’ newsletters, too, so that we can all subscribe to one another’s!)

About Taylor Kate Brown

Ruby member Taylor Kate Brown is a writer, editor and digital media strategist who currently works as the Newsletter Editor at the San Francisco Chronicle. She previously wrote for the BBC News website and launched a local news site in Maryland. She lives in the South Bay and is currently obsessed with the question about how to engage people in local climate issues.