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[Virtual Ruby] Sewing Project: Face Masks for Healthcare Workers

A collaboration between The Ruby and Jenny Lemons 

Ruby seamstresses! Let's sew cloth face masks for health care facilities that are experiencing shortages in masks. We have a few different patterns: This is a simple mask with no pocket: How to make a Face Mask - PDF. We've learned that face masks that have a pocket for a filter are strongly preferred. There's a tutorial here and here. Find a simple pattern for a pocketed mask here: Olson Mask (and it uses hair ties instead of elastic). More information and patterns here.

Have questions? Want to sew together? Join us for a Google hangout on March 26, at 4:30 p.m. and we can exchange tips and tricks. (If you need cotton flannel or elastic, email rachel!)


Orders for standard/disposable masks are on long back-orders, due to both demand and supply chain issues. Other hospitals across the country are reporting the same supply concerns.

According to the CDC, fabric masks are a crisis response option when other supplies have been exhausted.

“Prior to modern disposable masks, washable fabric masks were standard use for hospitals,” said Dawn Rogers, MSN, RN, FNP-C, Patient Safety & Infection Prevention Office. “We will be able to sterilize these masks and use them repeatedly as needed. While it’s less than ideal, we want to do our best to protect our staff and patients during this pandemic.”

Download the pattern here: How to make a Face Mask - PDF
Details about making/delivering fabric masks

  • The pattern is courtesy of The Turban Project*

  • Use tightly-woven cotton fabric on both sides.

  • Please remember that both women and men in a variety of roles may wear these masks.

Email once you have sewed your masks; we will collect and distrbute them to healthcare facilities in need.