This is an experiment in inviting more creativity and creative learning and thinking into our lives, and developing sustainable creative practices that work for us. Every Tuesday this August, we'll meet to explore the subject of creativity together. Think of this as part discussion group, part workshop, part brainstorming session, part art camp, part Friend Groups (last year's 8-week experiment in making meaningful friendships)—and all exploration in a safe and supportive context. Between our weekly meetings, we’ll have light homework assignments that may include (and of course not be limited to) reading, doodling, writing, and/or physical movement. Though the group will be led by Rachel Khong, this series is intended to be a collaborative effort: Come prepared to teach and share what you know about creativity.
We ask that you commit to attending this Creativity Series with regularity; though we understand that the summer months can be tricky, we ask that you do your level best to make it every week. This is part of the experiment, after all!