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The Glittering Cave (The Ruby's Film Series): Shirkers (2018)

Let’s watch and talk about films by women and nonbinary filmmakers! The Ruby's movie series, which we are calling The Glittering Cave, will serve as a platform for thinking about what it means to make and watch films with a gender-identity perspective.

For the first **Glittering Cave** screening of 2020, we'll watch Sandi Tan's "Shirkers," whose villain embodies artistic laziness and theft, two anti-themes for the New Year. The film is an experimental documentary Tan made after recovering reels of a film she wrote and co-produced as a precocious teen in 1990s Singapore, which was stolen by its much-older director, George Cardona, who she thought was a friend and mentor. Betrayal! Teens! Artistic ambition! Pain and the creative process! Male Privilege! Lots to discuss over popcorn, bevs, and with Ruby intellect. Before the screening, I will send some *light* reading material from "The Black Isle," the 2012 gothic horror novel Tan wrote before recovering her film reels. If you aren't part of the GC google group make sure you RSVP or send me an email to receive the reading. lindamaigreen [AT]

We've watched: Cleo from 5 to 7 (1962), The Watermelon Woman (1996), and The Love Witch (2016).

In order to talk about films, we’ll watch films regularly and devise novel ways to respond and spark discussion. Screenings could be linked by theme/question, or by maker. There may be guest visits and/or screening by local filmmakers. There may be an online blog, physical zine, or more slow-burning criticism/writing that honors what transpires at our meetings. The goal is to enlist multi-talented Rubies to learn something new about film as a community.