"I’m suggesting that we protect our spaces and our time for non-instrumental, noncommercial activity and thought, for maintenance, for care, for conviviality." —Jenny Odell
Join us in reading HOW TO DO NOTHING by Jenny Odell and discussing it together! Because this book has resonated deeply with so many of us here at The Ruby (and, indeed, speaks so much to the mission of our space itself!), here's a chance to discuss it all together as a group. The author, Bay Area native Jenny Odell, will join us for part of the discussion! Come with your questions and thoughts.
Thanks to the generosity of Melville House, the first 7 Rubies who sign up will receive a free book! (If you already own the book, please let us know so we can pass it along to someone who doesn't yet!)
For a taste of the book, check out Jenny Odell's Medium post: https://medium.com/@the_jennitaur/how-to-do-nothing-57e100f59bbb
"To capitalist logic, which thrives on myopia and dissatisfaction, there may indeed be something dangerous about something as pedestrian as doing nothing: escaping laterally toward each other, we might just find that everything we wanted is already here."