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Budgeting for Us: Money Sh*t No One Ever Taught Us

Are you an Allegedly Grown Adult with the money brain of a tween? Same. Are you tired of getting unrelatable advice from "money gurus" who don't look, sound or speak like you? SAME. Let's walk through the issues historically holding POC and immigrant communities back from financial empowerment -- like systemic injustices, family unlearnings, shame brain, Bay Area tech temptation and status -- and you'll walk away with a solid money plan that makes sense for you.

You'll receive:

  • An interactive presentation around the systemic, historic and mental money roadblacks that POC and immigrant folks typically face

  • A step-by-step walkthrough of how to build your first budget, with printed materials and a free downloadable template online

  • A list of little-known alternative resources and other NB/POC money idols if you think I'm totally full of it. 

About Berna Anat

I’m a financial hype woman. That’s my made-up way of saying that I create videos, articles and other ridiculous Internet Things to teach young people about money. I’m a financial literacy educator, a video producer, a speaker, and a writer. ​ I’m a first-generation Filipina-American, a “micro-influencer”, a 3B-3C curl, and a Trojan. In 2017, I paid off $50,000 in debt, saved enough money to quit my job at Instagram, and booked a one-way ticket to New Zealand with my partner. I’ve been traveling the world yelling about money ever since.