Iyengar Yoga is based on the teachings of the yoga master B.K.S. Iyengar (1918-2014), author of many books including the classic yoga treatise Light on Yoga. It is known for its emphasis on precision in action and alignment, which not only develops strength, flexibility, and stamina, but also fosters mental and emotional strength and peace of mind. In this class, Sachiko will introduce you to the fundamentals of yoga postures in the Iyengar way: basic standing, sitting, introductory inversion, and restorative postures. No prior experience necessary. Please bring a yoga mat.
About Sachiko Nishizawa Willis
As a teenager in Japan, Sachiko became fascinated by a yoga book her mother gave her. She discovered Iyengar Yoga in 2001 and has since then experienced the transformative and healing power of the method first hand. As a teacher, she strives to help students develop the sensitivity and tenacity required to take the journey of self-discovery and transformation; taking obstacles and ailments as part of the path. www.iysachiko.com